📍US Operations @ Suwanee, GA        📍Nearshore Operations @ Monterrey, Mexico         📍India Operations @ Vellore, TN, India        🌍📨connect@digitalt3.com

Key Questions

Why do you need our services and
would it benefit you?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Key Questions

Why do you need our services and
would it benefit you?


Is there anyone outside of your company challenging you to grow yourself and your business?

Do you have a robust Sales & Marketing Engine, Finance and Legal support to provide you feedback as needed?

Have you outsourced tech services but have not been able achieve your cost saving results or time to market?


Are your current suppliers more interested in adding people that enabling your teams?

Do you have complex use cases that need be solved outside the scope of your expertise & experience?

Do you need set of usecases to get you started on a product / platform?


Do you have a succession or exit plan ?

What is the desired outcome for the exit (acquisition, merger, IPO, or sale of assets) and do you have a timeline for the exit?

Do you have any on your team who has been part of an exit before?

Growth / Exit Planning

Intake Questions to understand where you are in the journey

Pre-Seed / Seed Stage

Focus: Idea validation and testing, market research, and developing a minimum viable product (MVP). Refining the product-market fit, acquiring early customers, and demonstrating traction.

Key activities: Market research, customer development, prototype development, building a team. Product development, sales, and marketing, building a customer base, securing initial funding.

Funding sources: Bootstrapping, friends and family, angel investors. VC.

Series A / Growth Stage

Focus: Rapidly scaling the business, expanding the team, and building a sustainable competitive advantage. Accelerating growth, entering new markets, and achieving profitability.

Key activities: Building a dedicated team, scaling operations, expanding marketing and sales efforts, acquiring new customers. Expanding product portfolio, entering new markets, building brand awareness, optimizing operations for efficiency.

Funding sources: Venture capitalists, private equity firms, debt financing.

Late Stage

Focus: Maintaining market leadership, exploring new opportunities, and evaluating exit options.

Key activities: Optimizing profitability, driving shareholder value, exploring acquisitions or mergers, preparing for potential exit through IPO or acquisition.

Funding sources: Private equity firms, debt financing, IPO.


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Questions GTE

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We have flexible operating model with a variety of options defined below